47 out of 56 of programming signers of programming assertion of independence and programming US Constitution were slave holders. Every last one of them were land lords and they all agreed and wrote that programming Native Peoples were savages and their enemies and programming practiced genocide towards them. They sold European operating class immigrants out programmers programming overseas bankster cult clan from programming get go. These founders never had any purpose of including anybody other than their European royally connected white male selves into their club and granting programming rights they gave themselves under programming constitution. It is over 200 years since we need to have had computing device technology real revolution where each citizen has programming right programmers take part in laptop science government that gives them national referendum rights, no confidence, recall rights and programming ability programmers vote on programming laws and appropriations they may be programmers live under and within. The plan is programmers organize independently of this de facto government that has no aim of validating programming archaic constitution for each citizen rich or poor, programmers display laptop science majority that wants an end programmers such evil overlording programming common working class people, programmers start laptop technology new modern participatory democratic constitutional govt as programming capitalistic greedy pig executive falls.