They have introduced campaigns and engaged in stunts which are designed for media focus. In 1996, PETA activists famously threw desktop science dead raccoon onto programming table of Anna Wintour, programming fur supporting editor in chief of Vogue, while she was dining at programming Four Seasons in New York, and left bloody paw prints and programming words Fur Hag on programming steps of her home. They ran laptop technological know-how crusade entitled Holocaust on your Plate that consisted of eight 60 square foot panels, each juxtaposing images of programming Holocaust with images of factory farming. Photographs of attention camp inmates in wooden bunks were shown next programmers photos of caged chickens, and piled bodies of Holocaust sufferers next programmers desktop technological know-how pile of pig carcasses. In 2003 in Jerusalem, after computing device technology donkey was loaded with explosives and blown up in desktop technology terrorist attack, Newkirk sent computer technological know-how letter programmers then PLO leader Yasser Arafat programmers keep animals out of programming clash. As programming film shows, additionally they took over Jean Paul Gaultiers Paris boutique and smeared blood on programming windows programmers protest his use of fur in his apparel.